So, this is
Ernesto, the Tyrannosaur. He's a vegetarian, though, otherwise his friend Burt wouldn't be... his friend. Yes.
In other news, I started a new sketchbook, and it's going pretty well. I have some figure drawings, and some collage-y stuffs in it so far. Might go sketching this weekend, too, so I'll post that stuff next week when I can.
Oh, and because I didn't put this in the last post, here's some New Year's Resolutions:
-Be nicer
-Be more patient
-Be more social.
-Memorize some maps of LA so I don't have to google everything, I can just
-Go to a concert. The Aquabats was awesome, I have to get out more.
-Draw more.
-Do a project in After Effects so I don't completely lose those skills.
-Take more photos.
Other than that, I'm gonna try to update this twice a week or so. Hope everyone is doing well in blog-land.