Oooh, and lucky me! I got to work on ALL the Chippendales postables. Hoo-ray. Isn't that just... too much man-meat to handle? Gah. And nearly three thousand people have sent it already...

So, anyway, JibJab's site got redesigned (again) and now it has a make counter (kinda like YouTube, only imagine it only counts if you send the video to someone or put your face on it, not just view it) so I've been pretty obsessed with that. It's pretty cool seeing how many people think your work is worth sending to someone else, or putting their head on.
And, I'll post some sweet V-day plush stuff for the store soon. Promise.
I love the one with the pen & cap, too funny. :)
OMG the pen/cap combo!!! too good, please tell me that was all your idea bc its got trish written all over it
These are friggen kick ass, it's so cool to see what you work on. I also can feel the trish in the "candy hearts" one. Oh and the top is flippin genius.
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