Lilybot is the lady friend of Raydon I was blah-blahing about a few days ago. I might make them a little baby bot in the form of a keychain, but I seem to have more ideas than I have time in which to make them all, so.. we'll see. I also have some fish done for Dave's commission, so I'll post those next week (beautiful white goldfish, oooohhh ahhhhhh.)
Oh, I'll be adding some Valetine-y content to the store in the next few days. And because Valentine's Day is just around the corner (well, if you're a planner like me, it is) I'll be running a special.
Free shipping on all U.S. packages, if you enter the code "YAY FOR HEARTS AND STUFF" in the 'message to the seller' when you purchase a plush. Plus there might be some V-Day related goodies in your package, as well.
So yeah, good times for all.
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