This one is from last year, one of my all-time favorites- I worked with Justin on it. The other four are from this year, I also did all the Monster Mash postables- with backgrounds provided by Justin- they were just flipped Live this morning, so check them out!

In other news, I travel on up to Seattle this Friday for the PlushYou! opening. I've never visited the city, so it should be a really good time. I just hope it's not too cold. I've also fully moved into the new apartment, so I'm arranging up my work space and everything. It's coming along nicely, if I do say so myself. I'll post some pictures once it looks respectable enough. I'm also working on some new plush, some commissions, and some new forest girl art dolls. I want to make a fox girl pretty badly, I think the tail would be magnificent.
Anyway, I'll update soon with lots of pictures and things! Oh, and thank you all for the kind words about Drawn! The response was outstanding, really. Thank you!
I love this jib-jab stuff. It cracks me up.
Have fun at your plush-con!
I see you went to seattle it's beautiful up there, isn't it? Me amd my husband went there a few summers ago and I didn't even want to come home.
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