This is the Statue of Liberty mini statuette I got when I was in New York City. I was 17. It was a school trip. I hated it. I hate the city. I think it's dirty and everyone there is totally rude. You know the way some people hate LA? I hate NYC, like that.
But anyway, this was on that bookshelf. And I'm eating my cereal, om nom nom nom, and I hear a weird crack-crunch combo sound. I find the headless Liberty on the ground. I see my cat running away to hide in his cathouse.
I cannot find the head.
5 minutes later, when I've given up (it's just a head, afterall) and sit down to finish my breakfast, I find the head. With my foot.
And that's your {WTF Tuesday} story for the day. Now I need to go ice my foot before work.
I love this post.
It's amusing that the head was decapitated by the fall and not some other obvious part like the arm.
you obviously have a lot of free time before you go to work...
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