Business card/"freebie ads" in progress. 

Just some recent plushies I made. From top to bottom: Espresso the bear, Nooni the neon cat, Olaf the cyclops, and Raspberry the bunny. I'm also working on some commissions at the moment for friends- a sea creature a la` Loch Ness for Arrolynn, a fat black housecat for Erin, and a Maya gremlin for Cat (she needed something to physically hate whilst rendering.)
I finished the gremlin today, so pictures of him soon. I'm also supposed to see about a possible commission for Sandra tonight, too, so that's very exciting. Oh, and I'll be opening up my Etsy store soon, for non-Ringling-based folk, and for when I move after this year. I'll post the link when I have that up and running (have to upgrade my paypal, etc.)