Las Vegas is basically a big gift shop that lights up. It's fun, but intense. Unless you plan on getting drunk, gambling, or seeing one of the 50 friggin' Cirque Du So-laaaay shows they have there, it's just... a lot of walking and a lot of people DOING the above things. And the food is expensive.

The Luxor is pretty cool, and despite it's tackiness, Excaliber has just about everything (except snow globes. Ahem.) Basically if you want any sort of souvenir, go to New York New York. They also have a really fun, but super janky (and also expensive) roller coaster outside.

Calico, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. It's slow paced... There's not a lot of people running around boozing it up... It's a ghost town. A few hundred years ago, Calico was home to over 80 families, and a thriving silver mine. Now 8 people live there full time.
Walter Knott, of Knott's Berry Farm fame, bought the town a few decades ago, fixed it up, and turned it into a tourist trap, but a surprisingly fun one. (It's now owned by the city of Yermo, I believe, who has the most incompetant firefighters I've ever encountered in my life. THEY DON'T CARRY BAND-AIDS. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!)
Anywho. Here's some of our finer (mis)adventures there.

They also had a sweet gift shop filled with dinosaur stuff. I thought
Justin was going to freak out.

Like old-timey photobooths, automated fortune tellers are a big weakness of mine. I know they're totally goofy, but I cannot seem to help myself. Plus, it's only 25 cents! And he talks!

This is the creepiest photo I've ever had taken. I think I'm gonna make it my facebook picture.

Nearing the end of our time at Calico, I fell down a hill and scraped up my arm pretty bad. You can't tell here because it's both covered in hill dust, and the scratches haven't scabbed up yet. The firefighters/first aid people gave me some wet gauze because "it wasn't that bad"- IT STILL HASN'T FULLY HEALED 3 WEEKS LATER. Ugh. Yermo sucks.
But anyway, after Calico we came home to Culver, and since have had many more adventures. Pictures from those soon, and a new deer girl, and a new bunny girl, too! I've been busy!