Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So, here's those pictures I promised! These are some terrariums I've built (exclusively) for the Queen Bee Boutique. They won't be available in my store, only at shows, because they're super fragile and would get all shaken up in the shipping process.

P.S. Come check out the Queen Bee Boutique THIS SATURDAY from 10am-6pm in Carlsbad, CA. It's gonna be packed inside and out with amazing vendors, including myself!

Friday, April 23, 2010

gnome what i'm sayin

Makin' some gnomes for a new product I'm finishing up. I'll post some pictures from my show, new plushies, and lots of other cool stuff soon. Promise!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

zombie apocalypse disaster prepardedness

If you know me at all, you know I am obsessed with zombies, zombie apocalypses, and being prepared for said disaster. I also have a keen appreciation for TREEHOUSES. So, combining those loves was easy, because if given the ability to prepare before a zombie apocalypse, I would (obviously) build myself a badass treehouse town, a la SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON.

You can click on it, it gets way bigger.

This one, not so much. (Copyright DISNEY.)