This is part of the Lumps series. They originally didn't have mustaches and eyebrows, but after some experiments this summer with both fake mustaches and eyebrows, I felt it was necessary for them. It's amazing what you can show with just eyebrows, emotion-wise.

This is Frank. He's my first modified Widget- hence the wings. He visited the Computer Animation labs recently, so he's very high tech.

Noob, the three-eyed... rabbit-dog. Hubert the Accountant is below.

Got an offer at the Bob Evans this morning from our server to buy one of these guys. She said her dog would love them. I think I might make a special one for her with more chew-resistant fabric. I wouldn't want her dog to choke on poly fill.

This is my first widget, dubbed, of course, Widget. I made him and Blug last year (dark pink), and they lived in Jessica's closet all summer. Now they have lots of friends.

Taddy. He's Ben's choice of widget. I really love his ears, and he's awesomely soft. Sorry the photo is kinda blurry. :P

My sand trooper riding a dinosaur I made awhile ago. A nice shot of our messy studio.

Twins! This is Blug and Slug. I originally made Blug to go with my first Widget.

The emo widget wouldn't take a picture without Blug and Slug for some reason. Mr. Emo hasn't been named yet.
I've had a lot of down-time lately, between making logos for class and freelance and shooting weird videos. Hopefully this keeps up so I can continue making plushies. I plan on designing some packaging for them and incorporating them into my portfolio.