Sunday, March 25, 2007

i also enjoy long walks on the beach

We saw 300 today on the IMAX, and I couldn't resist. I tried to make it as MSpaint as I could, with using photoshop.

The other drawing is from the front page of my new moleskine. Zis one eez tiny, so hopefully I will be taking with me everywhere.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

punch drunk, baby

So, this is my first foray into the Tablet Drawing World. I can't say I'm so terribly fond of it quite yet, mostly because its extremely hard to switch from using the mouse for EVERYTHING.

More work up soon, and if you catch me on a good day, maybe even a portfolio!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

the book of stuff and things

Some of the pages/spreads from my first full artist's book in Patrick's class. I made a plush version of the little guys above (in the flames.)

Oh, and this was all in micron ink (line art) and watercolour, handbound, etc etc. The cover is bookcloth (for the quarterbound part) and gray Canson paper, with laquer transfers for all the text/rendered images. Hope you enjoy.

We're starting a 3 volume set of books for our next project. Mines in three different languages, so that should be interesting. Hopefully I can learn some German before this summer.

Friday, March 9, 2007

breakin', yo

First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Watts, who is 21 on Sunday. This squid is for you.

And now... It's spring break, and I need it. I will be working on commissions, and doing errands, and helping my Pops, but otherwise, it's chill time with Ben. Hope you lot have a good time in NYC and beyond, and don't spend all that ArtVenture money in one spot. Word.

Oh, and I have this up too:

If you don't have Flash, then I'm afraid you are out of luck on this one. But it's tight, so check it out if you get the chance.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

cleaning house

Some bunnies, including Turd Bunny that was made for Andrew Wright, and some monsters, left over from ArtVenture. I just finished a squid with a tophat, and a orange monster with two stalk eyes. Sewing seems to be one of the few things that makes me happy lately.

Oh. And I cleaned my room today.