Saturday, May 8, 2010

yeah, i like birds and stuffffff

So, I have been making new things lately, like some crazy New-Thing-Maker of sorts, and I thought I would share. Some birdy brooches, a new horse/zebra girl, and... ZOMG IS THAT A NOTE CARD SET?!?! Yes, yes I am branching out to paper goods. (The section is small, but it's fierce.) I'm working on a new commission of cheapsters birds, and I also might have another show July 10th... then there's Comic-Con with Justin, and Tiki Oasis. WHOA. Busy busy.

But for now, here's the stuff!

I also made this for Jordie. You may not know her, but if you do, you know she's rad, and has an even radder (the raddiest?) blog, possibly ever, and especially if you like movies and monsters and cool things of that nature. (Who doesn't?)

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